ISO 9001 is defined as the international standard that specifies its requirements for quality management system. It is considered as one of the most popular quality management system in the world. organizations use standards to consistently provide their products and services to meet customer and regulatory requirements. Usually, it consists of structure of processes, people, machines and other resources to realize quality objective. It is international standard for manufacturing industries. It is not easy to get ISO 9001 certification because of its specific criteria. Therefore, there are many companies which are offering ISO 9001 training. You can find a lot of companies providing ISO training Dubai.
Why ISO 9001 is considered as the global standard? Many companies adopt ISO 9001 quality management system because this ISO certification can be adopted by all companies, factories, family-owned stores and service companies.
Principles of ISO 9001 certification: ISO 9001 certification was developed years ago but it was established on the basis of specific principles. Some of the principles are given below.
Customer centric: Every business depends on customers and companies must understand the demands and expectations of customers.
Improving relationship with suppliers: There must be mutual benefit when two companies are working in partnership. When both companies are beneficial for each other then there will be more chances of improving value of companies.
Benefits of ISO 9001 certification: As ISO 9001 is worldwide acceptable so there are a lot of benefits of ISO 9001 certification for companies. some of the benefits are given here.
Customer satisfaction: When a company is ISO certified then it means that it meets international standard which will develop trust of customers on company. to satisfy their customers, the companies have to make their identity in market and ISO certification gives identity to companies.
Improves company’s image and reputation: It is not easy to get ISO certification, the companies have to meet strict criteria in order to get certified. So, having ISO certification will increase the rank of company as that of other companies.
Opportunities for partnership: When a company has good reputation in market and when company will meet with international standard then different companies will rush to do partnership with that company.
Continuous improvement of company: The companies having ISO certification have aims to improved products and services. It also aims to promote professional development of companies and the company’s culture.